Donate to Health Story Collaborative

Help us harness the healing power of stories!

Health Story Collaborative is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of individuals, corporations and foundations. Your contributions will support our work collecting, honoring, and sharing healing narratives. Be a part of this process. Together, we can heal.

Each HSC story takes many, many hours to craft. It is a delicate process, which involves a long interview between the story sharer and a trained HSC facilitator, and an extensive editing process. The number one priority is to make the experience a positive one for the story sharer. Testimonials from previous participants attest to the fact that the experience is a healing one.

Give the gift of healing, any amount helps!

Here are three easy way to give:

  • Send a check to “Health Story Collaborative” 

    Health Story Collaborative, Inc.
    105 Coolidge Hill
    Cambridge, MA 02138

  • Donate via Venmo: @Annie-Brewster-HSC. Please leave your address in the comments for a donation receipt.

  • Make a credit card or ACH donation by entering your information below.

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Thank you for supporting our work!