The Art & Science of Storytelling for Health

How can storytelling help us navigate illness, trauma, and loss and ultimately promote well-being? 

Annie Brewster, M.D. and Jonathan Adler, PhD co-facilitate this four-hour interactive workshop to explore the answers to this question. Participants will learn about the social scientific research on narrative identity and its associations with health and techniques for marshaling this science in the service of individual and collective health.  You will learn to apply Health Story Collaborative’s well-established methods in your personal and professional lives.

This workshop is for healthcare providers who want to:

  • Support organizational culture change that increases provider/patient/family trust and partnership.

  • Increase physician resilience through supportive, professional opportunities to bring creativity and compassion into their work.

  • Provide a platform and support for patient and family voices to be heard and honored.

  • Enable team building between providers, increasing trust and connection among colleagues.

This workshop is for community organizations and individuals who want to:

  • Host storytelling events that create spaces for deep listening.

  • Empower individuals facing illness, trauma, or loss to tell their stories in ways that are healing.

  • Engage healthcare providers in conversation with patients and the broader community.

This workshop is for people living with illness, trauma, or loss who want to:

  • Learn a structure for crafting your story in ways that are empowering and healing.

  • Create safe spaces for other individuals and family members to tell their stories.

  • Learn a process that can help expand and deepen community.

Workshop participants will receive materials to use in applying the model in their own setting, and options for ongoing collaboration and support from Health Story Collaborative. This training can be facilitated in-person or virtually.

If you are interested in learning more about “The Art and Science of Storytelling for Health” training, please email us at